Saturday, February 13, 2010

Changing Table Woodworking Plans My Dad Is Just A Grouchy And Miserable Person. What Can My Mom And I Do To Get Him To Change For The Better?

My dad is just a grouchy and miserable person. What can my mom and I do to get him to change for the better? - changing table woodworking plans

My father is very hard work, never violent towards me and my brother and my mother, who never openly about their feelings and thoughts, but do not cry at a sad movie. Around friends and family members to act all happy, but when it comes, my mother, my brother, I and my father would be angry. When he awoke, with the intention to become less pleasant. It is difficult to talk to him because he turns the table around and said, "Oh, is everything I am doing wrong, but never anything wrong." He is 51 years, but it was the case 10-20 years, I remember, it may be a midlife crisis. I wonder what we can do to provoke thought in his mind when he realizes that he hated to leave a negative person disliking / are not acting for the benefit of your family, but a few friends, as if all the love and what not. One more note, it is selfish, too. My mother had me and my first brother, but my father found a new hobby, like all 3 years. Golf, cars, woodworking, sailing, etc. I hope someone can me a useful suggestion. Thank you.


Ding-Din... said...

Sounds like a slightly depressed. Life does not seem like he would have liked.

Personally, it is perhaps good taste does not keep score at least that extra time to be cranky with you. It could also be that he is alive, the model grew. So it's been in our family, but once that Grandpa died, his father was so strict with us. It was almost as if she had something to prove, to his father.

Lotta things could be. It is hard to forget, but it deserves a try. Good luck.

Person on yahoo answers.... said...

Shrug and ignore .... Take it does not .... Theres really not what you can do to help people, as they

tomd1980 said...

To be honest, my father is the same and there is nothing that one can actually do that.

If you hide your feelings from you because he wants to shares and there is nothing that you do for him.

Complaining is useless, because I see that your question is very defensive.

The options are just trying to understand and why is it such a bad mood you can not help more social, but you can expect it will be easier for you.

The other option is simply to do things and if he did not want him to participate. Such things come together for a family meal each week and inviting, but do not give. When he's not fussy and want to be on care is not free, but maybe if we allcollect and then enjoy you could want to participate.

The biggest problem is probably not aware that you have a problem and is quite happy with the way things are. If someone is not motivated to change, it is impossible to do. If you do, if you try to come out enlarge. All you can do is be there and if he achieves that, his attitude, then it will exist for him.

I know this is not a satisfactory answer, but I am afraid that very few things you can do for him.

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